Lambs 2023

The lambs were born mostly during the month of April and will be ready to go in August. Photos hopefully to follow on this page but having problems uploading - slow progress. Please contact me if you require more information/photos.

Abacus Miriyana with her single ewe lamb

Abacus Miriyana with her single ewe lamb just been born, sire is Abacus McDaniel

Abacus Tina with her single ewe lamb by Abacus Roger

Abacus Bettina with her young ewe lamb, she does have a twin, similar markings that is a wether (castrated ram). Sire is Abacus Grant.

Abacus Sheena with her twin ewe lambs. Sire is Abacus Bradley

Abacus Marissa’s twin ewe lambs. Sire is Abacus Roger.

Abacus Marcella with her twin ewe lambs. Sire is Abacus Dermott.

This is Abacus Jasmine with her single ewe lamb by Abacus McDaniel.

Abacus Lititia’s single ewe lamb. Sire is Abacus Bradley.

Abacus Brook with her single ewe lamb. Sire is Abacus Bradley.

Abacus Hester with her ewe lamb , one of a twin, the other a ram lamb

This is Copperfield Ruth with her single ewe lamb, by Copperfield Aidan, so white to white.

This is Abacus Melina with her ewe lamb. Sire is Abacus Grant.

Abacus Petula with her single ewe lamb.